Best Take Care Of Those Crown Jewels – Sheila Fitzpatrick – Ep 17

Data, it’s the new oil, new gold, your Crown Jewels. We’ve all heard these phrases, but it is hard to deny that data is a fantastic asset, companies who know how to mine true value from it have a distinct advantage over their competitors and we are continually creating more of it.

However, it’s fair to say that data also comes with its challenges, we must store it all, make sure we protect it all and of course we need to make sure it’s secure.

The challenge of data security and privacy is right at the top of the list of priorities for most IT executives, and, if it isn’t already, it should be high on the list of priorities for business owners and boards as well.
Maintaining the security and privacy of our data is going to continue to be a complex problem, from the multi-faceted security threat, to the introduction of more stringent data privacy laws.

To try to help to address this, this week’s podcast is the first of a short series focussing on the twin challenges of data security and privacy. First is a two-part episode exploring the issue of Data Privacy, with my guest Global Data Privacy Attorney Sheila Fitzpatrick.

Sheila is NetApp’s Chief Privacy officer and World Wide Data Governance and Privacy Council, and has nearly 35 years of experience in the field of data privacy, so is well placed to comment on the current data privacy landscape, the challenges of managing data and the issues presented by changing regulation.

In this first part, we look at what data privacy is, what defines personal data, why it’s important to understand the full lifecycle of your data management procedure, the difference between data security and privacy, as well as an introduction to the upcoming EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Sheila couples her huge experience of data privacy with a tremendous enthusiasm for her topic, which makes her a fantastic person to learn from. Enjoy the episode.

If you want to catch up more with Sheila, you can find her on twitter @sheilafitzp and on Linkedin.

Next week we’ll be focussing on the biggest change to data privacy in the last 20 years, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), its impact, what it means to us and how to start to build a data privacy strategy.

If you want to make sure you don’t miss that episode, then please subscribe on iTunes, Soundcloud or wherever you get your podcasts.

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